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I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing (1987, 81 minutes)

September 8, 2010




A girl friday, Polly, finds a job with Art Gallery Curator and finds herself involved with a couple who have something up their sleeves.

The Review:

I was trying to review this movie without giving too much away. Let’s just say that it is a pleasure to watch, literally. It’s beautifully and imaginatively shot. The director, Patricia Rozema, uses that imagery to speak about love, life and art.  Our heroine, Polly (Sheila McCarthy) pulls a Walter Mitty and daydreams her life away.

This movie is at times wonderfully quiet or filled with glorious music. McCarthy is wonderful, as a terribly naive girl friday. This naivete can easily be construed as turpitude, especially when compared to the curator, but as the film progresses you will find yourself understanding more and more what makes Polly tick. As far as the lesbian content is concerned, it is very limited. This is not a love story, although there are plenty of queer women to be found. There isn’t even a kiss, so don’t expect it. If you liked “When Night is falling,” then check out this earlier movie by the same director and see how far we have come. This is a great movie that speaks of the glory to be found in Art. Polly sees a beauty that few people do and she finds a meaning in life that even fewer people find.

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